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Jan 07, 2023
One Day National Seminar on “Latest Innovations in Pharmaceutical Science (LIPS-2023)”
One Day National Seminar on “Latest Innovations in Pharmaceutical Science (LIPS-2023)”

Students of Nirmala College of Health Science attended and participated in E- Poster Competition in One Day National Seminar on “Latest Innovations in Pharmaceutical Science (LIPS-2023)” held at Devika Amma Memorial College of Pharmacy, Calicut on 7th January 2023. Mr. Ameer Muhammed, 7th Semester B. Pharm one Best Poster Award (First Prize) for e- poster competition. Ms. Sameeha Yoosaf, 7th Semester B. Pharm, Mr. Aby Augustine and Devika E K, 4th Semester B. Pharm also participated and were accompanied by Mrs. Raslamol K, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics.

Nirmala College Of Health Science
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