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Jun 15, 2023
Closing the Circle: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day at Government Old Age Home, Ramavarmapuram
Closing the Circle: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day at Government Old Age Home, Ramavarmapuram

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is observed on 15th June every year, raise awareness about the mistreatment, discrimination, and neglect endured by elderly individuals. As a part of that volunteers of Nirmala College of Health Science visited the Government old age home at Ramavarmapuram on 15.06.2023. The mission of the visit was to bring attention to the various forms of abuse, abandonment, and misuse suffered by seniors, while also stressing the significance of safeguarding their welfare and maintaining their dignity. Students had very active interaction with the inmates of the home by  performing entertaining programs such as dance , song and monoact that brought happiness to their faces.

Nirmala College Of Health Science
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