Volunteers of NSS unit of Nirmala College of Health Science observed Reading day on 21st June 2023. The National Reading day commemorates the death anniversary of P N Panicker, widely recognized as the 'Father of the Library Movement' in the state of Kerala. The theme of National Reading Day was “A Celebration of Literacy”. The Programme was conducted at Ashan Memorial Library. Welcome address was done by Mr. Shojan President Ashan Memorial Library, Kunnappilly. Mr. P K Bhasi, Secretary of Ashan Memorial Library enlightened the participants by his valuable talk on the importance of reading. Volunteers of Nirmala College of Health Science hand over 88 books to Library and they took a pledge on reading day. Dr. Sobin C C, Ms. Beena Ajaykumar and Alagya P Shojan were selected as best readers of the Library and they were honoured. Mrs. Raslamol K, Associate Professor, NSS Coordinator appreciated Mrs. Sindhu, Librarian, Ashan Memorial Library for her dedication by presenting a traditional ponnada.